"Flash Productions"

Dutch TV: Insectorium   BDA 10: And they call it...
...Hamster looooooveeee
BDA 09: The Founding Funk

Punch 01: THE IDEA!!

Flying Rhino: Baron 01 BDA 07: Eye Miss You



BDA 11:
You're un-Baaaalievable

BDA 10:
Boss Day
BDA 01:
Mardi Gras Hizzle
BDA 26:
Happy Grand Parent's Day!!


A highly subjective view on the Disneyfication of
Western mainstream animation. Companion piece to my Master's thesis.

"Dubya am dumb" (2003)

My  sentiment about the idiotic, criminal LACK of validity of Gulf War II
and the imbecilic, self-centred pigheadedness of the 
satanic Bush Administration

"Mickey or The Lazarus Mouse" (2002)

(2.1 Mb)
(3:22) Autobiographical tale of a boy who loses his best friend in the
whole world. Surprise ending ;). This was my first animation made.
Played at the Holland Animation Film Festival, 2002.

"Richard Wagner " (2002)

(754 k, no preloader)
Commissioned for Dutch teevee, for a 
program called "2 voor 12", a Dutch trivia show. 

"Pink Metaphors on Parade"

(1,4 Mb)
Solo anim/game with some Action script help from a buddy.